Friday, February 6, 2009


After not crafting or creating anything in the entire month of January, I finally got some creative juices flowing and worked on a couple projects. Above is a simple Valentine decoration I made from a felt sticker, some scrapbook paper and a black frame. I don't do a lot of decorating for Valentine's Day, but this looks cute up on our mantel in the family room.

The other thing I did was make a new bucket for a baby gift. Our neighbors behind us have two boys and she is due any day now with a baby girl. I found the cutest onsies and receiving blanket at Target with a cowgirl theme (she is also their first Texas baby) that are inside the bucket. I really have a lot of fun decorating these. I think they make great gift containers, and they satisfy my need to play with scrapbooking supplies without having to keep up with my actual scrapbooks!

While working on these little projects, I watched Gilmore Girls on dvd. Meghan owns the entire series and I am working my way through season 4. Such a cute show. SO well written and so full of dialogue that it's perfect for watching while crafting because you don't have to watch it constantly to know what's going on. And who would not want to live in Stars Hollow? Sigh.

OK....hopefully the next post or two will include some quilting. I have several projects started that I need to finish and some fabrics (this and this) just waiting patiently for me to play with them!

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