Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter 2010

Scenes from Easter 2010:
The traditional Easter egg dying above.  The not so traditional mini-marshmellow Easter sheep below.
I got this idea from my latest issue of Southern Living magazine.  I can't find an online picture, but trust me when I tell you ours are the amateur version.  We amused ourselves so much making these that we topped our homemade carrot cake (thanks dad!) with one:

The bunny brought way too much candy and other assorted goodies on Easter morning.

The pool was 73 degrees on Sunday.  Anna was the only one crazy enough to swim before we had an early Easter dinner.
Here are the girls dressed up for our late afternoon church service.  Below, are the goofy shots.
and a couple more nice ones:

The girls had Easter Monday off and my parents stayed to visit one more day.  Today, I am back to an empty house.  Dangerous being in an empty house with three Easter baskets filled with candy......just sayin.

1 comment:

sharon said...

Anna has changed so much...almost unrecognizable! All 3 are getting more beautiful by the day! Hope all is well.