Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Heart(s) of the Home

This was a fun project. A couple of weekends ago I was just goofing around with the camera. We have a Nikon D50 that I pretty much don't know how to do anything with except point and shoot. It takes incredible pictures and I often pick up the camera just to see what I can shoot around the house. Since Valentine's Day is this month, I thought I would find a couple of hearts around the house to snap pics of to put on the blog. This turned into a challenge of finding hearts in every room of the house to take pictures of. The girls really got into this too, looking for hearts in each room. We did it....a heart in every room of the house! Here are the results:

Front Entry: a quilt I made that hangs in the foyer

Coat closet: Anna's fleece jacket

Family room: stitchery hanging on the wall made by my mom

Study: Charles Wysocki print hanging in the office

Dining Room: Heart shaped candle in a drawer of candles

Laundry room: Anna's undies still warm in the dryer

Pantry: Quaker Oatmeal box

Kitchen: Stitchery made by me hanging on kitchen wall

Kitchen eating area: Journal on my desk

Master bedroom: handmade tile by Anna in my nightstand drawer

Master Bathroom: Anna's bubble bath beside our bathtub

Master Closet: stacking boxes no longer used that are stored on a shelf

Upstairs Storage closet: package of Valentines napkins from last year

Meghan's room: coffee mug on her desk

Meghan's bathroom: heart shaped charm bracelet in a drawer

Claire and Anna's bathroom: heart-shaped stick-on earrings in a drawer

Claire's room: Autographed picture of Jolie Holliday whom we know and is as sweet as can be to our girls. And we are practically related since her aunt is the girls' Aunt Beverly!

Anna's room: sticker professing Anna's love of horses

Game room: scrapbook paper in drawers filled with hobby stuff

That is every room in our house! I actually have many more heart pictures that I will post soon. I was surprised at the number of hearts we found when we looked around. This hunt really was a lot of fun. I'd love to see the hearts everyone else can find in their homes. Go ahead......take heart (pictures)!

1 comment:

Meghan said...

You didn't use even nearly all of them!