Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Almost Famous

The week before spring break, our local free newspaper, the FM 1960 Sun, ran an article about kids' activities for spring break. The writer is actually our neighbor across the street. She needed a photo to accompany her story and asked if she could shoot a picture of Anna by our pool. I wasn't home at the time...just Jack and Anna were, and Jack said sure and didn't think a thing more about it. Well, the following week, this is what landed on our doorstep:
And a larger version of that photo accompanied the story on page 3. Anna was so excited. There was even buzz at her school about the photo which thrilled her to no end. Sigh. Our little celebrity. She enjoyed her 15 minutes of fame. And she didn't even go all Paris Hilton on us. (Though if I had to guess which of our three daughters had the most Paris Hilton potential, Anna definitely wins that contest.)

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