Thursday, January 17, 2008

Am I the only one late to this party? What a great movie Stardust is! Meghan and I watched it yesterday afternoon when she got home from school. There's romance, comedy, and action all wrapped up in a unique, fantasy story. And though fantasy films are not a favorite of mine, I did love this one and highly recommend it.

OK, Meghan is due home on the bus anytime now and we are going to see another movie. I am taking her to The Movie Tavern
as a reward for making it through mid-terms this week. We are going to see Juno. I've been wanting to see this one since before it came out. I am a big fan of Michael Cera ever since he played George Michael on only the best comedy that was ever on television. Boo, hiss Fox for canceling this hysterically smart and funny show. Anyways, Meg's home now, so I'll let you know what we thought when we return!

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